Thursday, October 23, 2014

I'm back?

I could lie and say I took some time off from blogging, but let's be real...yeah I just flat forgot. 

Last year was an amazing year, and now 2014 is coming to a close....and I have been no where and everywhere! In June I went on an all expense paid vacation to the Bahamas that I earned with Scentsy. In July I took a road trip to St. Louis for Scentsy Family Reunion, and I've been all over East Texas too.  

I've learned a lot this year though. Setting a goal is the easy part, but accomplishing can be a little rough. I'm so grateful for my family and friends who support me on my adventures of motherhood and business owner....I'm going to try and fit some time in to share my adventures with everyone. Some things are just worth sharing. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Born Free

The chicken hoarding husband and I just returned back from the Hawaii Island of Oahu. While our hotel was on the famous Waikiki strip, we never once put our feet in the water there. We rented a jeep and headed up North stopping along the way to see many of the breathtaking sites.

Our first day out exploring we stopped along some beautiful cliffs and snapped some photos before taking a dip in the Ocean in the vicinity of Kaiona Beach Park. It was amazing, but for myself just taking a dip was not enough. I wanted to challenge myself, and challenge myself I did indeed.

The next day, Sunday, the hubs and I rented some snorkel gear from a place near Shark's cove. We walked a bit to the beach at 3 tables and my first snorkeling adventure began.

Now, there's many things going against me at the time. The fear of not being able to swim well since my wreck, claustrophobia from the mask, learning to breath out of the mouth part, and the fact I'm about to take a swim in waters that may or may not have sharks.

You can only imagine the hysterics Super Dave had to put up with, but he was great and it turned out to be a wonderful experience for the both of us.

First things first, I gotta get my flippers wet right? Well not so fast...the tide coming in swept me off my unstable legs and my fear and anxiety worsened. Luckily there was a very kind woman who scooped me up and helped me adjust my gear. So with a death grip on Dave we were off.

It's amazing what happens when you put those flippers on. They help ya float. I couldn't believe the ease of it, but I still held tight to my mr.

After about 10 minutes of getting the hang of it I was off on my own, with David in close proximity. I could not believe my eyes. My heart was filled with so much gratitude towards what my Heavenly Father has created for us. The ocean, a mystical place that He has created for His beautiful sea life.

I'm not even sure how long we snorkeled for. It did wear my legs out, which in reality was a great workout for them.

After that day, I was addicted. I've found a new hobby, a new adventure, a new something that my husband and I could do together.

We snorkeled in 4 more locations during the trip. Electric beach where we came across a pod of dolphins and swam with a sea turtle. Then we ventured up to Turtle bay where the coral is amazing in hues of neon yellow and purple.

The last spot was by far our favorite and what's so funny is David was mad because he wanted to go back to shark's cove, but I demanded we visit Sunset Beach, and boy did his attitude change once we got in the water. The wildlife was amazing to say the least and the numerous underwater caves were gorgeous homes to sea life of all kinds. We snorkeled out very far that day, and David was quiet surprised. I tried to explain it to him, since he really thought I was going to be scared out of my mind.

While in the water surrounded by all the things God has created it was very freeing to me. I did not have to be reminded that my hip is bad or that I am not 100%. It aroused emotions in me that I didn't even know I had. It was an experience where I learned things about myself and it was even a bonding experience with my spouse. I knew he was there with me, if I needed him.

Our last night in Hawaii we went to Paradise Cove and had a luau with my fellow Scentsy Sisters. It was a beautiful experience. At one point in the evening they played a traditional wedding song and dance where couples got up and danced. David and I danced with our feet in the sand and the ocean to our side. I couldn't help the tears that began rolling down my face. I had one of the most amazing weeks of my life with my husband. I saw things and visited places that just 2 years ago were what I thought completely out of reach for me. I was so full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for creating such a beautiful earth, and grateful to Scentsy for giving me the opportunity to earn this trip.

I'm not sure when or if I'll ever be able to visit the island of Oahu again, but I do know there is a piece of my heart that will forever be there.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

This gal is headed West!

This small town girl is heading West alright....straight across the Pacific to Hawaii!!! I'm so ready to celebrate accomplishments I never dreamed I could achieve.

It's amazing what your body, mind and spirit can overcome when you literally hit rock bottom in every aspect unexpectedly. I know a lot of people won't or can't understand it, but I am so grateful to Scentsy for helping me through some of my darkest hours.

After my wreck, which left me in a wheelchair for several months struggling to learn to walk again i fell into a deep depression. I physically hurt all the time, I was an emotional basket case, and financially...lets just say there was major room for improvement.

My whole family made every effort to help me through my trials, but i had to literally experience the personal accomplishment for myself before there was any improvement on my self worth. That's when Scentsy came into play. I challenged myself and slowly began to set small goals and then bigger goals to help improve our financial situation, and you know what? I started improving myself.

I feel like a completely different person than I was a little over 2 years ago. I've gone from a frumpy, moody 29 year old Scentsy selling mom of 4, to a new improved (some would say alter ego) "Wickless Wonder Woman" who loves life, and does what she sets her mind too.

I will always be grateful to this company and the people who have built it....I've gained so much that money cannot buy. While I am headed on a free trip to Hawaii that I worked hard for to earn, it is so much more than that, and I cannot express my gratitude for what this company has done for my soul. I will never be able to thank Orville and Heidi Thompson, along with their team enough.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The husband of a....

In my short 31 years I have to say I've accomplished a task or 2 and there are quiet a few I have just never finished. For instance, the vintage mosaic table I started in 2006 or the the laundry from Tuesday. I'll take this moment to blame my ADD. I never was really extremely hyper, so I guess it got overlooked, but the overwhelming feeling I get when things are out of order is just plain nerve racking and I'd rather curl up in a ball and pout instead of facing the problem head on.

That was until I learned to deal with it. Once I realized I was ADD and finally stayed on task long enough to discuss it with my doctor things began changing for me. I was able to set and KEEP goals which enabled me to follow through and accomplish tasks.

It's hard to believe looking back I really didn't know what in my life I enjoyed. I was always stressed out about why, how, or if I was going to be able to finish something. I seriously could not enjoy life. I came across, and who knows I might still do, as annoyed, depressed and LAZY. This really affected me emotionally, as I have always cared what others thought about how I kept my home.

I come off as very laid back, and yes most of the time I am, but on the inside no one really knew the battle I was fighting with myself.

Everyday I would walk into a room with scattered toys and unfolded laundry and have a sudden rise of heart rate, blood pumping and on occasion ringing in my ears. It was an overwhelming feeling. How did I deal with it? I went to my room and most of the time I went to bed.

You can only imagine the stress this put on me, my family and my marriage.

Comments from family and friends didn't help my situation either. I got to a point where I had no self esteem, no confidence in myself, and questioned myself daily on my role as a mother and wife.

I look back and think of all the things I am. I am a beauty school drop out...3 times, I almost didn't graduate high school, I have no college degree or formal education or training in any field.

I'm getting closer to 32 now, and yeah there's a lot I have not accomplished or finished, but having ADD has also given me an edge others don't have. I've learned to embrace it. I'm usually quick witted, and a great muli-tasker.

I've accomplished more in the past 2 years than I would have ever dreamed. I've got 4 beautiful children with sweet spirits that I get to enjoy this life with and I have a pretty awesome chicken loving husband too.

This is totally not the post I was going for, nor do I remember what my original plans or thoughts were, but I do believe this will do.

Thanks for visiting and embrace what makes you different.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Be verrry verrry quiet. I'm hunting rabbit."---Elmer Fudd

I'm what you would consider a night owl. I'm defiantly not early to rise or early to bed. The fact that I was taking Miss Kay out to go potty and eating my Nutrisystem desert at midnight is the norm. What is not the norm is me running into the house fearing for the safety of my husband's ever increasing poultry operation.

Let me back up a few steps and explain. I brought Miss Kay out to do her business before we went to bed and I plopped myself down in a lawn chair to enjoy my walnut and chocolate chip cookies when all of a sudden I hear it. At first thought I was thinking it was one of the guineas, but no this was coming from the pasture and they nest in the tree above the chicken coop. Sp my mind was left to speculate as it often does. Was it a chirp, a squawk, a gobble? Heck no! It was a squeal!

I wasn't quiet sure I'd heard right. Living on over 85 acres surrounded by a multitude of different livestock, a train i can spit at, and crazy neighbors including family I was for once at a loss. I knew it wasn't a cow, a horse and it defiantly wasn't a bird I've heard. The neighbors dogs started going crazy barking and yelping and the squeal started up again. I became aware those dogs had something cornered up.

My next move was to grab Miss Kay, I mean the chickens can defend themselves for all I care, but whatever it was squealing better not come close to my dog.

So I hobbled as fast as my uneven legs could take me to our bedroom door that opens from the front porch and gasping for breath I yelled, "David! David! You're gonna wanna get your gun!"

Let me insert this here, my husband doesn't really need a good excuse to get his gun. He's from California and has lived here for only 11 years so he has lots of catching up to do on being a country boy and over compensates. Hence his nickname my mom branded him with, Elmer Fudd. He was so excited last week to receive an application in the mail for the NRA. (Insert eye roll)

David, jumped up faster than he would move if I was to tell him the house was burning and slipped on his dress shoes and went outside in his undies. Yes, I said undies. So let me just get this picture burned into your minds for ya. Husband, undies, dress shoes, big gun, green light. Attractive right? Straight out of a scene of National Lampoon's featuring cousin Eddie? Yeah, I think so. (From what I understand, the green light mounted to the rifle he was toting is a light you can use at night and whatever your tracking cannot see it.)

So we get outside and he asks what I heard and I tell him what happened.

"We'll, honey...sounds like we might have a hog situation. "

A hog situation? This is shocking to me. Devastating actually. Yes we have a terrible hog problem in East Texas, but we have never had a problem on our family's land and the fact that one may have tried to come over railroad tracks is just scary!

So David sets off with Castle, our bird dog, rifle in hand tracking a big boar. I'm not really sure where they go during this time. Miss Kay and I come in the house and I do what I do best. Relax and surf the net.

About 10-15 minutes later the door swings wide open and in comes my husband with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Honey it was a hog, and that damn thang was trying to root into my chicken coop, but that hot wire stopped him."

There's no credit given to the dogs that obviously were barking like crazy and chased him off and then my thoughts lingered towards his attire. Seriously who wouldn't be scared of a middle aged man out at midnight toting a gun in dress shoes and his underwear? Oh my gosh, I haven't even thought about what the neighbors may think!

One thing is for sure, my chicken hoarding husband will be setting up camp this weekend to trap a hog. My only request for him is that he put on some appropriate attire.

Gotta get a Boost

The chicken hoarding husband and I will be leaving to go on an all expense paid trip to the beautiful Hawaii island of Oahu in June. After lots of hard work as an independent consultant for Scentsy I'm going on the vacation of a lifetime.

So what's any girl to do when you realize you're going to one of the most popular tropical destinations in the world where there's a chance someone might catch a glimpse of the slight dimples in your thighs? Well, you change your habits that's what!

Now, I haven't always been so good at goals, especially when it comes to losing weight, but by-golly...I've had some determination these past few months and if I can earn a trip to Hawaii, I think I can handle dropping a few pounds. So in March I ordered Nutrisystem, against my husband's advice.

Some of his comments are as follows:

"You won't stick with it."

"It's a waste of money."

"Isn't there something cheaper out there."

Not that I ever really listen to him anyway, but I did take it upon myself to shut him up by reminding him of our chicken feed bill. The chicken feed bill on the chickens, ducks, turkey and geese that are here only too look at, lay eggs and NOT eat. Yeah those. So against his advice I ordered a months supply of food including some frozen food and my journey with Nutrisystem began on April 1.

So how are things working out for me on this plan? Well, I'm glad you asked. There's no need really for numbers here, let me just paint you a picture of the pickle I'm in.

I tried my swimsuit tankini tops on tonight for the 2nd time since I got them about a month ago. They have a built in bra to "boost" my money makers up. Well, they don't fit. The cups are too big. What's a girl to do? I can only imagine using some of those plastic like, skin colored enhancers to fill these pups up, and why not? If worse comes to worse they can always double as flotation devices if I start drowning in the blue waters of the pacific. So it really seems like I'd get my money's worth. Can you imagine a lifeguard sprinting out to save me (imagine David Hasseloff from Baywatch) and then to his horror I pull out my life preserve all the while yelling, I got it, I'm good. However, I'll drown any day for Ryan Gosling.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm better off waiting until the week before we leave since my body is changing so rapidly. I've lost 15.8 pounds to date, but the lost inches, good eating habits, and dedication to work out to accomplish a goal has proven much greater.

The Nutrisystem plan is great, but honestly I cannot contribute all of my weightloss to it. I've learned that a major part of weightloss or really any accomplishment really is support. I receive a lot of my support from a Facebook group that I share with some of my fellow Scentsy consultants. Their motivation, inspiration, and kind words have helped me more than they know. Even my poultry obsessed spouse has become very supportive of me and more self conscious of what he eats as well. I just hope he can handle being away from his fowl for such a long period.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Houston, we have a problem.

So today my friend Miriam who is also my neighbor came down to borrow some vegetable oil which she later texted me and said had stunk up her whole house. My apologies Miriam! I had no idea it had expired.

While she was here however we got to chatting outside amongst the various fowl my husband has collected. With all seriousness in her voice and worry in her eyes she asks me, "do you think David has problem?"

Now, I'm aware most women might take offense to this, but really I'm not stupid. My response was quick and confident, "hell yes Miriam. I know he has a problem."

Why do I know Mr. Macias has a problem? At 4 or 5 o'clock this morning he was up after I had a nervous breakdown begging for him to move his baby chicks out of the living room. Between our new puppy whining and baby chicks chirping I couldn't get any sleep. If I don't get any sleep, I am not a happy camper!!! Well he moved them, yep he sure did. When I suggested the move originally I said out of the living room. Apparently I was suppose to say, out of the living room, through the back door, outside, across the yard and into the chicken coop because he moved them a good 5 feet into the laundry room.

So yes, my husband has a problem. He loves his poultry a little too much, just like I like shiny things too much. I defiantly think there are worse habits a husband can have, and yes this chicken hoarding problem drives me up the wall to the point that I want rip my hair out, but if worse comes to worse I guess we won't go hungry.